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Swanson JRG Grade 7

19lhull's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19lhull's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The UN gave Israel to the Jews after the Palestinians had Palestine for a long time, over a thousand years. This was after many years of wars.

2 points

Palestine was and still is important to the Muslim Arabs, they had practiced their own religion there for many years. There is 3 major religions in Israel and Muslim Arab is one of the biggest.

2 points

After the Serfs (Jews) took Palestine, they treated the Arads with hostility and cruelty, deprived them of their rights, and offended them without a reason.

2 points

I think that the Palestinians deserve the land because they were there first, Palestine was their home for over a thousand years, and then it was taken from them by force and without consent.

3 points

I think that the Palestinians deserve the land because they had Palestine first, for over a thousand years it has been their home and then it was taken away from them by force and without consent.

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