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Swanson JRG Grade 7

19jnett's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 19jnett's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They only left because Hitler was trying to kill them, and anybody the Palestine would had left there land to if they were going to get killed

1 point

Wikipedia is not a credible source anybody can edit that website

1 point

The jews had the land first and the only reason why they left is because they got chased out by Hitler.

1 point

Yes they did get the land from the UN but they had to fight two wars to keep the land.... so they had so sacrifice the stuff they had to protect there land.

1 point

It says in the bible that the Jewish people were there first

1 point

The Jewish also had to fight to keep the land so technology they had to pay some what to keep the land by having to fight 2 wars

1 point

Mrs.Swanson just said that the Jewish people were there first

1 point

Mrs.Swanson just said that the Jewish people were there first

1 point

They also need somewhere to go after getting chased out by Hitler. They only left the land to save there lives

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