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Swanson JRG Grade 7

Cvancuyk's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cvancuyk's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The Israelis had the land first, as shown in the Bible. It's not their fault they had to flee from the land for their lives.

1 point

The land was promised the the ISRAELIS by God, not the Palestinians. Also, it's not really fair to wage war against Israel and then complain when they destroy your cities.

1 point

The Bible actually says that the Israelis were there first. Also, the Israelis don't have another homeland either, so your argument is weak. Finally, this "God that gave it to us," is the God that created the world, he created you, your parents, everything. Yet, you question his ability to give people land?

1 point

The land belongs to the Israelis because they captured the land in a fair war, so it's now rightfully theirs. On top of that, the Israelis protected their land through many wars. It's not fair for the Palestinians to wage war, and then demand the land even after they lost it in a fair fight.

1 point

The Israelis were forced out as well, and now the Palestinians are mad that they have finally been able to return safely.

1 point

First, the Palestinians have not been there FOREVER. Also, the Jewish people were forced out, they didn't have a choice, so is it really fair to punish them for it?

cvancuyk(4) Clarified
1 point

What evidence supports this idea? The Bible says that the Israelis were there first.

cvancuyk(4) Clarified
1 point

How does this support your claim that the Palestinians deserve the land?

1 point

The Israelis were forced to leave, they didn't just choose to relocate their entire population. Also, the Bible says that the Israelis were in Palestine first, not the Palestinians.

1 point

The Israelis were forced out, they didn't have a choice in the matter. Also the Israelis would "keep God company" as well as the Palestinians, what evidence shows that Palestinians keep better company? Also, what makes you believe the Israelis broke their covenant with God? They didn't wrong God in any way.

1 point

The land belongs to Israel because the UN granted the land to them. After World War 2, the United Nations chose to relocate Jews, the land was given to them, so it's theirs.

cvancuyk(4) Clarified
1 point

Fair, but the Jews were there first. They grew in the land, but were forced out by discriminators, fearing for their safety.

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